Own Brand Market Continues To Grow

By Publications Checkout
Own Brand Market Continues To Grow

The own brand market in Irish grocery stores shows no signs of decreasing in popularity, with almost a third (32%) of grocery shoppers claiming they are purchasing more own brand products than they were this time last year, while only 6% of shoppers claim to be purchasing less.

This increase in own brand purchases is being driven by the younger cohort of the population with 4 in 10 (40%) of those aged 18-24 purchasing more own brand products than they were this time last year. This research into own brand purchase behaviour was conducted amongst a nationally representative sample of 1,002 adults aged 18+ by Empathy Research on behalf of Retail Intelligence.

Own brand products play a significant role for Irish shoppers, with almost 6 in 10 (57%) shoppers claiming they would purchase some own brand products once a week or more often. Shoppers in Dunnes Stores purchase own brand products more frequently, with 61% purchasing once a week or more often.

Further to this frequency of purchase, the proportion of own brand products in the trollies of shoppers is significant, with on average, 36% of products in trollies claimed to be own brand by shoppers. Interestingly, while we have seen that Dunnes shoppers purchase own brand more frequently than shoppers in other stores, the proportion of own brand products in their overall trolley composition is lower than the average (31%).

Highest proportion of own brand products in overall trolley proportion is found amongst those aged under 34, where over 2 in 5 (43%) of products are claimed to be own brand, which coincides with the strong growth we have recorded in own brand purchase amongst this group seen previously. Own brand products form a smaller proportion of the trolley for those aged over 55, where on average a quarter of products purchased are own brand.


For more information on the own brand products being purchased more frequently, the types of products most unlikely to purchase own brand for, and retailer ratings across own brands, please contact Robbie Clarke at Empathy Research.

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