Bewley’s Commits To 100% Fairtrade Coffee For 2017

By Donna Ahern
Bewley’s Commits To 100% Fairtrade Coffee For 2017

Earlier this week Bewley’s announced that its branded fresh coffee will become 100% Fairtrade in 2017. The news coincides with the beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight, which runs from 27 February to 12 March, and aims to encourage more suppliers to use ethically responsible sources for their produce.

Bewley’s was the first to bring a Fairtrade product into Ireland in 1996 with a coffee offering, and is today Ireland’s largest supplier of Fairtrade coffees.

Since then, Irish consumers have responded to the trade approach with great support. In 2016, consumers spend over €270 million on Fairtrade products, an increase of 9% on 2015.

Bewley’s claims its commitment to direct trade with coffee farmer partners is evident in its long-term direct relationships with Fairtrade coffee cooperatives such a Soppexcca, a progressive community of 690 growers in the northern highlands region of Jinotega. Soppexcca supplies 100% of Bewley’s Nicaraguan coffee and in the past ten years the volume of coffee purchased from the cooperative has grown significantly. Bewley’s has also supported a number of education, welfare and health initatives in Soppexcca.

To celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight Bewley’s has welcome two coffee farmers from Soppexcca to its coffee roasting facility in Dublin to meet staff and explain first-hand the impact of Bewley’s direct links with their coffee coop. Bewley’s will be bringing farmers to meet key foodservice customers throughout Fairtrade Fortnight, to hear first-hand the impact of buying Fairtrade.


The move to 100% Fairtrade is described by Mark Saunders, Brand Director of Bewley’s, as the company’s commitment to high quality for consumer and a fair deal for the producer. He added, “With Fairtrade you have the power in your pocket to change the world every day. Fairtrade is the only certification that guarantees a minimum price to farmers and an additional premium for social development projects in coffee producing communities.

“Having pioneered Fairtrade in Ireland for over 20 years, we’re very proud to continue this commitment and what better time to by bringing all of our branded fresh coffee products under the Fairtrade banner.”

© 2017 - Checkout Magazine by Donncha Mac Cóil

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