Bord Bia Awards 97 Irish Food And Drink Companies For Their Sustainability Performances

By Donna Ahern
Bord Bia Awards 97 Irish Food And Drink Companies For Their Sustainability Performances

Bord Bia has acknowledged the sustainability performances of 97 Irish food and drink companies that have attained Origin Green Gold Membership in 2023.

Gold Membership is given to companies that are members of the Origin Green programme, in recognition of their enhanced sustainability efforts.

The Gold Members were formally recognised at Bord Bia’s recent annual Origin Green Sustainability Seminar, which was opened by Charlie McConalogue, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

Since the establishment of the awards in 2020, a total of 234 Irish food, drink and horticulture companies have been awarded Gold Membership. Overall, the 97 companies come from 21 counties and represent sectors such as dairy, meat, seafood and aquaculture, confectionery, beverages and horticulture.

‘Pioneering Programme’


Deirdre Ryan, director of sustainability and quality assurance, Origin Green at Bord Bia, who officially announced the 2023 Gold Members, said, “Origin Green continues to be a pioneering programme for sustainability in Ireland.

“We work with more than 300 companies to help them set and achieve sustainability plans and set out to acknowledge companies which have performed exemplary [sic] in target areas through the annual Gold Member status.

“This year, we are thrilled to announce 97 companies which have achieved Gold Membership for 2023.

“I would like to particularly congratulate Butlers Chocolates and Tirlán, which [have] both achieved Gold Membership status for the fourth year in a row. The increase in Gold Members this year is reflective of the drive and commitment that many companies across the Irish food, drink and horticulture sector hold in achieving their sustainability targets.”

Read More: Bord Bia Launches New Campaign To Drive Dairy Export Growth To Malaysia And The Philippines

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