Glanbia Launches Five-Year Milk And Feed Loyalty Scheme

By Donna Ahern
Glanbia Launches Five-Year Milk And Feed Loyalty Scheme

Glanbia Ireland has launched a five-year milk and feed loyalty scheme called Glanbia Loyalty Scheme, according to a statement it issued today (16 August.)

The diary & agri-business company said that the 'first ever five-year milk price volatility tool' includes a fixed milk price element and a €30 per tonne loyalty bonus on concentrate dairy feeds from its feed selling brand Gain Animal Nutrition.

Glanbia Ireland milk suppliers that avail of the feed option 'will have priority to the milk pool available in the loyalty scheme'.

“As well as huge risk management benefits for farmers, the new Glanbia Loyalty Scheme offers customers unrivalled traceability." Sean Molloy, Director of Strategy and Supply Development with Glanbia Ireland, said.

"The establishment of this cohort of farmers allows Glanbia Ireland promote the ‘closed loop’ procurement concept in terms of product claims and marketing initiatives.”


Molloy said that the ‘closed loop’ offers customers an exceptionally high level of assurance around the traceability and high quality of its dairy products. with all milk produced from grass and feeds sourced from Glanbia Ireland feed mills.

© 2017 - Checkout Magazine by Donna Ahern

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