Who Is? - Peter Scott, Client Director, Kantar

By Donna Ahern
Who Is? - Peter Scott, Client Director, Kantar

Peter Scott’s days are invariably affected by breaking news stories. Kantar’s client director talks to Donna Ahern about why he reaches out to his clients if he sees that they are featured in a story.




How would you describe your role?


I manage key accounts, working with brand owners and agencies who avail of our reputation and intelligence expertise.

Through this expertise, we measure corporate, PR and brand coverage to help clients gain a clear understanding of their profile and of the impact of their communications and marketing activities across broadcast, print and social media.

With a team of over 30 people, we service clients from all sectors, from leading FMCG companies to presidential nominees.

Can you tell me about Kantar Media?

We are a global leader in connected intelligence.


Our data and insights provide clients with a holistic understanding of the changing media landscape.

Our global coverage and local expertise enables clients to better understand media audiences and their relationships with brands in order to optimise their investment.

What was your first job, and what did you learn from it?

I was a butcher’s assistant when I was 16. I learned that the only part of the pig that you aren’t able to eat, is the oink!

What do you enjoy most about your current job?


My days are invariably affected by breaking news stories, which makes the job exciting and dynamic. If a client is featured in a story, I’ll reach out to them straightaway and ensure that they are getting access to all of the coverage that they have received in the media.

What is your advice to people starting out in the industry?

Find a good mentor - someone you can confide in when you need direction or focus.

What was your worst job, and what was so bad about it?

I have been quite fortunate in that I’ve enjoyed most jobs that I have had. I’ve had some tricky managers along the way though!


What do you think the government could do to help business in the current climate?

They need to improve the infrastructure in rural Ireland. Without high speed broadband, businesses in rural Ireland will never fulfil their potential.

What three business people do you most admire, and why?

I’m a big fan of Sheryl Sandberg, particularly how she has managed the aftermath of recent negative publicity around Facebook. She stood up, took responsibility, and sought to move forward. That’s leadership.

Patagonia founder, Yvon Chouinard is a remarkable man. Aside from making fantastic gear, he insists that they donate 10% of their total profits every year to environmental charities and he was doing this long before businesses did it to tick a CSR box.

My mother is my inspiration for many reasons, particularly in business, where she has climbed to the top of her industry (education). She continues to educate and enlighten me every day.

What advertising campaign have you most enjoyed in recent months?

I’ve been so impressed with Fulfil Nutrition. They are constantly innovating their range, their activations are so effective, and they are absolutely everywhere!

If you could bring back one product that is no longer available in Ireland, what would it be?

I’d like to find the person responsible for removing Solero Shots from the Irish market and ask them to justify their actions.

What was your favourite grocery brand when you were growing up, and why?

Football Special. It is a mystery-flavoured carbonated drink that was sold exclusively in pubs in Donegal and reminds me of family holidays. I think its legend has finally reached the capital in recent years.

Who would come to your ideal dinner party (living or dead)?

Anthony Bourdain to pick the menu, David Bowie for some stories, Robin Williams for the laughs, fellow Derry man Seamus Heaney for a bit of culture, and Ludovico Einaudi playing piano in the background.

What is the best piece of advice that you ever got?

You have got to make the job work for you.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love food, so it usually revolves around that. Cooking, googling recipes, watching food shows, looking at menus of expensive restaurants in Dublin…trying to justify visiting expensive restaurants in Dublin.

How much time do you spend on social media in an average week?

Too much! Certainly a couple of hours a day.

Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn?

Twitter, especially when a big story breaks.

With which fictional character do you most identify?

Omar Little. A man’s gotta have a code.

Most likely to say?

I’ll cook tonight.

Least likely to say?

I’ll clean up.

© 2019 Checkout – your source for the latest Irish retail news. Article by Donna Ahern. Click sign-up to subscribe to Checkout.

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