71% of Irish people have made the decision to detox this January, according to a survey by Torres Natureo, the de-alcoholised wine brand. Of the 391 people participating in the survey, 74% say they will drink more water, 70% will eat more fruit and 52% will reduce alcohol intake.
Just 53% of the respondents claim to have overdone the festivities this year, while 55% said that they didn’t detox at all in 2013. A further 30% detoxed for less than a month in an effort to be healthier. The survey also showed that the most difficult things to give up are chocolate (32%) and alcohol (30%).
Just 58% were unaware of de-alcoholised wines like Torres Natureo, which has only 0.5% ABV and 41 calories per 187ml glass, as a way to cut down on alcohol without giving up the favoured wine taste.
© 2013 - Checkout Magazine by Genna Patterson