ABFI Welcomes EU Commitment To Provide More Nutritional Information For Drinks

By Donna Ahern
ABFI Welcomes EU Commitment To Provide More Nutritional Information For Drinks

A new EU wide commitment by drinks producers to provide more nutritional information and listing of ingredients has been welcomed by Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland (ABFI).

In a statement the representative body for drinks manufacturers and suppliers in Ireland is a member of both spiritsEUROPE and Brewers of Europe who are among the seven drinks trade associations in the EU leading this new initiative.

The commitment was reportedly presented to Health Commissioner Vytenis Andruikaitis today (12 March) and ABFI said that it will support spiritsEUROPE and the Brewers of Europe in rolling the programme out in Ireland over the next four years.

“Today’s announcement highlights the commitment by the drinks industry to provide consumers with extensive product information, to support informed choices. What makes this initiative even stronger is the fact that it is being taken on a pan-EU basis across 28 member states.” Patricia Callan, Director of Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland (ABFI) said.

Consistent Information


The aim of the drink industry’s commitment is to provide harmonised and consistent information to consumers on an EU-wide basis, either on or off-label.

Callan added: “The European drinks industry looks forward to continuing to work with the EU Commission with a view to having the commitments which were presented today by industry accepted and implemented across the EU.”

© 2018 - Checkout Magazine by Donna Ahern

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