NOffLA Calls On Government To Speed Up Implementation Of Minimum Pricing

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NOffLA Calls On Government To Speed Up Implementation Of Minimum Pricing

The National Off-Licence Association (NOffLA) has called on the Government to introduce the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill immediately, which would see a minimum price on alcohol units and restrictions on advertising.

The call was made at the annual ‘Off-Licence of the Year Awards 2015’, at the Honorable Society of King’s Inns, Dublin.

Speaking at the awards, NOffLA Chairman, Gary O’Donovan highlighted the role of NOffLA retailers as not only providing employment to their communities, but also as promoting the safe and responsible sale of alcohol.

He said, “We are therefore calling on Minister Alex White TD to follow through on his commitment to public health and introduce the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill as a priority.

“We are also calling for a ban on the below cost selling of alcohol to limit the availability of cheap alcohol and discourage binge drinking, and associated health and public order issues.”


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