NOffLA: Multiples Selling Alcohol At 'Dangerous And Irresponsible' Prices

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NOffLA: Multiples Selling Alcohol At 'Dangerous And Irresponsible' Prices

NOffLA chairperson Evelyn Jones has called on the government to address the promotional strategies adopted by major multiples on alcohol products.

Speaking at the group's AGM, Jones said that the independent off-licence sector, "which upholds the highest standards in the responsible retail of alcohol, continues to lose out to many large multiples and mixed-traders who sell alcohol at dangerous and irresponsible prices and promotions.”

At its AGM, which was held at the Red Cow Moran Hotel this week, NOffLA reiterated its call for a reduction on the excise duty on alcohol products.

Jones criticised the government’s inactivity in bringing about substantive change to alcohol regulation, saying that a change in legislation would promote the responsible consumption of alcohol and protect independent businesses that support 5,800 jobs around Ireland.

"Our sector is on the brink of failure due to a combination to irresponsible practices by supermarkets and consecutive unfair and disproportionate excise duty increases. Addressing the pricing and retail of alcohol has the capacity to level the playing field for all retailers and provide a lifeline to an integral part of the community.”


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