Bord Bia Releases New Food Market Guide

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Bord Bia Releases New Food Market Guide

Bord Bia has launched a new 'Guide to Food Markets in Ireland' at Belvedere House and Gardens in Muillingar, Co. Westmeath, at an event attended by over 120 producers, market stall holders and food market managers.

Opening the event, Tom Hayes, TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine said, “There is a resurgent interest in locally sourced foods, local food networks and short supply chains [...] These days, everyone purchasing a food product at a farmers market wants to know and be told “the food story”.

According to Bord Bia, the guide aims to highlight the evolving food market models in Ireland, to advise those involved how to set up and manage a market based on best practice, to outline the characteristics of a good market and review future market trends.

Aidan Cotter, Chief Executive, Bord Bia added, “Food and Farmers' Markets have experienced considerable growth in recent years, growing from fewer than 100 markets in 2006 to almost 150 currently in operation. […] Markets allow for invaluable direct contact with consumers to trial and validate new products and our research found that 80% of traders considered them to be their key sales channel.”

Bord Bia’s evidence is based on its PERIscope study, which since November 2013 has been exploring consumer attitudes towards topics such as eating at home, cooking, local food, the environment, and health and wellbeing.

© 2014 - Checkout Magazine by Paul Campbell


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