Food and Online Sales on Menu at Dublin Food Chain

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Food and Online Sales on Menu at Dublin Food Chain

The Local Enterprise Offices announced details of a new grant scheme to help more small businesses in Ireland trade online. At a seminar last night hosted by the Dublin Food Chain, the collaborative forum to promote food heritage throughout the Dublin region, and organised by Local Enterprise Offices, the 'How to Build Your Brand Online’ seminar included a local food showcase with tastings by 20 up-and-coming food producers.

Greg Swift, Head of the Local Enterprise Office Dublin City commented, “Small businesses across every sector of the food industry need to respond effectively to the ever-increasing trend towards online trading. As part of the National Digital Strategy, a new Online Trading Voucher Programme, through the Local Enterprise Offices, will help get thousands of Irish businesses, including those in the food sector, trading online by the end of 2015.

“In collaboration with the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Local Enterprise Offices in Dublin are now offering small businesses grant-aid of up to €2,500, or 50% of eligible costs, to help them trade online and to roll out their digital marketing strategy.”

Keynote speakers at the seminar, which was held at Google’s European Headquarters, included Philip Coyle from Google, Mark Brennan from AIB, and Catriona O’Boyle from Tesco Ireland, each gave practical suggestions and tips for developing an online presence for Irish food company brands.

© 2014 - Checkout Magazine by Genna Patterson


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