JTI Urges Government To Publish RIA Findings

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JTI Urges Government To Publish RIA Findings

JTI Ireland has called on the Minister for Health to 'urgently publish' the findings of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) that was carried out on the plain packaging proposals. 'Given the widespread negative consequences expected if legislation is implemented, the RIA must review in detail the consequences, costs and benefits of the proposal,' JTI Ireland said in a statement. The tobacco giant, which said it is 'currently considering all our options regarding a future legal challenge', following yesterday's announcement, said that the government must display the evidence it has accrued on the subject. “’Plain’ packaging is not as simple as it sounds, and that is why it is vital that we see what evidence the Government has for introducing it here in Ireland!” - states John Freda, General Manager of JTI Ireland. “Not only will ‘plain’ packaging have significant negative impact on business and Ireland’s reputation internationally as a protectorate of intellectual property rights, there is absolutely no credible evidence to suggest the measure will actually work and help reduce consumption amongst minors, or lead to any actual health benefits.” Freda also noted that the Australian plain packaging legislation is currently the subject of challenges at the World Trade Organisation, a ruling on which is expected in early 2015. “There are significant international developments such as the impact assessment being conducted in Australia in December and the decision expected at the World Trade Organisation next year, which should be analysed by Government before making any decisions to proceed,” he said. © 2014 - Checkout Magazine by Stephen Wynne-Jones


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