Agri Aware Launches 'Incredible Edibles' Programme For Primary Students

By Donna Ahern
Agri Aware Launches 'Incredible Edibles' Programme For Primary Students


Agri Aware has launched its Incredible Edibles Programme for 2017, according to a recent statement it issued.

The initative, which is in it's 9th year aims to teach primary level students about the health benefits and how to grown their own seasonal Irish fruit, vegetables and herbs.

Richard Moeran, Agri Aware Chairman said, “Agri Aware’s Incredible Edibles project is an initiative backed by industry to enable primary school students to understand the importance of a diet rich in seasonal fruit and vegetables. As a farmer myself, I understand how empowering learning where your food comes from can be. Giving children the tools to sow, grow, harvest and cook their own Irish produce will give them an appreciation for fruit, vegetables and herbs and help them make healthy food choices in years to come.”

The free healthy eating campaign is supported by the Department of Eduction and Skills, the Department of Health and Children, the Department of Agriculture, Bord Bia as well as the horticulture industry.


Last year the 1,200 schools across Ireland that took part in the programme, received 'Grower packs' which included compost, seeds and curriculum-linked interactive educational resources for students to help them to develop their growing and cooking.

Deirdre O’Shea, Executive Director of Agri Aware said, “Every primary school in Ireland now has the resources to grow fruit, vegetables and herbs as a result of Agri Aware’s Incredible Edibles programme. By teaching children how to grow and cook their own food you are guiding them towards a healthier lifestyle. Healthy eating guidelines now suggest that children consume seven, plus portions of fruit and vegetables a day – Incredible Edibles is a free healthy eating resource which teachers can use to increase awareness of the production and consumption of healthy Irish produce.”

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© 2017 - Checkout Magazine by Donna Ahern

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