Aurivo Highlights Its Dynamic Approach To A Sustainable Future

By Donna Ahern
Aurivo Highlights Its Dynamic Approach To A Sustainable Future

In a new video, Aurivo co-operative recently announced that measures taken over the past five years, underpinned by a significant capital investment of €37 million over three years, have put the business on a stronger sustainable footing.

“In the process of achieving positive and ambitious targets, we aim to do so in a sustainable way, ensuring operational excellence and long-term growth for the co-operative into the future,” said Aurivo CEO Donal Tierney.

“As a key stakeholder within the dairy sector, we are integrating more sustainable processes within the co-operative. Sustainability is embedded in Aurivo’s mission and we are continuing to make operational improvements to ensure a sustainable future for the co-op.”

Reducing Its Carbon Footprint

The company said that it is reducing its road miles on approaching 500 million litres of milk delivered every year across a transport network in 14 counties.


It replaced oil with woodchip to produce half of our heat energy to process milk and reduced carbon emissions by 50%.

Each year, from using woodchip and gas, carbon emissions are reduced by 25,000 tonnes.

At its liquid milk plant, the compnay invested in heat pump technology to reduce on-site fossil fuel consumption by 80%. A new packing machine produces fully renewable milk cartons that are manufactured from sugarcane and paperboard.

It will move to bio-based cartons for all our milk and work with suppliers and partners to reduce plastic packaging.

Improving Our Processes


Clean energy light technology across Aurivo has delivered significant energy savings. As production increases, water and electrical efficiencies come from operational excellence and new technologies.

Aurivo said that it strives to reduce our carbon footprint through improvement and innovation. Aurivo supports farmers to ensure that our environment and rural communities thrive for future generations.

Pioneering A Sustainable Future

Its farmer members operate high standards of animal welfare. Through its farm programmes, the company works with farmers to reach targets for grassbased dairy.

It's annual Milk Quality Awards recognise these champions. Aurivo strives to pay the highest milk price to our milk suppliers to ensure that their business is sustainable.


As a member of Bord Bia’s Origin Green, the company said that it is committed to improving dairy production. Aurivo’s focus continues to be on growing a sustainable business that will not only create value for its members but will ensure a certain future for its farms and communities for generations to come.

Aurivo’s sustainability videos can be found here.

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