Did You Know, 28 April 2015

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Did You Know, 28 April 2015

Did you know… Tesco Ireland reportedly overstated its profits by €88 million last year, according to a study undertaken by the Sunday Independent? Following the announcement, in Tesco’s annual results, that its profit adjustment rose by a further €88 million, the newspaper found that this figure related entirely to the retailer’s Irish operations.

Did you know… Facilities management firm Aramark has announced its nominated charities for 2015? The firm will support GIY (Grow It Yourself), UNICEF Ireland and Irish Autism Action through its Aramark Charitable Fund, which to date has raised over €320,000 for various charities.

Did you know… Following a boom during the recession, the Home Baking category is seeing a decline? According to data from Nielsen, Home Baking is valued at €80 million, a 3% decline since last year, however the discounters are taking an ever increasing share of the category, from 16% last year to 18% this year.

Did you know… Abriva Recruitment has pledged to donate €150 for each successful job placement to charity Aware. The recruitment firm, which works with a number of FMCG clients, said that the aim is to raise at least €10,000 for the charity over the next 12 months.

Did you know… A study by The Food Safety Authority of Ireland has found that consumers that take more than the recommended daily amount of vitamins each day could be putting their health at risk? According to the Sunday Independent, Irish consumers spent €13 million on vitamins and supplements every year.


Did you know… A criminal gang involved in the illegal trade of horsemeat has been stopped, following a coordinated ‘day of action’ in several European countries? 26 people were arrested in France, the Netherlands and Belgium, following a series of raids.

Did you know… Packaging giant Ardagh saw its metal container unit post an earnings increase of 30% in Q1, to €64 million, according to the group’s latest financial statement? Group pro-forma revenue rose 9% to €1.2 billion in the quarter.

Did you know… A study of consumer engagement by the UK’s ‘Big Four’ supermarkets (Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons) has found that the retailers need to build a stronger relationship with their customers. UK agency Bloom studied around 22.7 million tweets as part of its research.

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