Did You Know? June 17, 2014

By Publications Checkout
Did You Know? June 17, 2014

Did you know… Nestlé Ireland is to extend its relationship with the Dublin and Cork Simon Communities? The food company has announced that from this month, Nestlé's iconic KitKat will be provided alongside it's Nescafé Gold Blend coffee, which is already available as part of the 'Food for Simon' programme. Over two million cups of coffee have been provided to the charity since 2009. Nestlé's continued support is increasingly welcomed by the charity as the issue of homelessness continues to escalate; the number of people sleeping rough in Dublin has increased by 73% since 2012. For more information see www.simon.ie

Did you know… A prime retail outlet on Dublin's St Stephen's Green is being sold by BNP Paribas Real Estate, with an asking price of €2.5 million? The ground floor is currently occupied by a Londis convenience store, which sits below three floors of offices, which combined make a total floor area of 422 square metres. “12 St Stephens Green is likely to attract a lot of interest," said Mervyn Ellis of BNP, "given that adjoining retail occupiers include Elverys Sports, Coast, Top Shop and Reiss in addition to the lack of good retail opportunities in this part of the city.”

Did you know… Pope Francis has weighed into the debate on global food prices? The pontiff criticised traders for betting on the direction of food prices, saying financial market speculation deserves part of the blame for shortages. “It is increasingly intolerable that financial markets are shaping the destiny of peoples rather than serving their needs, or that the few derive immense wealth from financial speculation while the many are deeply burdened by the consequences,” the Pope told a Catholic Church-sponsored investing conference.

Did you know… Aldi has been given the go-ahead to construct a 1,500 square metere store in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick? The store will be located on the old Nash's site to the rear of Church Street. The plan also permits parking space for 101 cars, 24 bikes and bus parking. The plan has been approved despite opposition from a number of local retailers who submitted an appeal to An Bord Pleanála. Britvic Ireland, who own the adjacent Ballygowan facility, have raised concerns about congestion and healthy and safety. It is understood that Aldi will be required to comply with a number of conditions proposed by An Bord Pleanala, including making a special contribution to the road development.

Did you know… The Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) have ordered Tesco to pay €11,500 in compensation to a former employee on the grounds of unfair dismissal? Marvin Moore was sacked by Tesco bosses in September 2011, following a conviction for drug dealing two months previously. He previously had an incident-free employment record for over 15 years, prior to his dismissal. The EAT found that “the company's procedures particularly in relation to the appeal were insufficient in considering the sanctions other than dismissal in light of the claimant's previous good record and his efforts to keep the company appraised of the situation. […] The company did not demonstrate that demonstrate that it genuinely considered the alternative sanctions that could have been applied.”


Did you know… Aldi has set out ambitious targets for UK expansion, saying it wants to have 1,000 stores in operation across Britain by 2021? Aldi will accelerate its rate of growth every year to doubling its number of UK stores over the next seven years. Alongside the new planned openings, Aldi will enhance existing stores in an attempt to coax more shoppers away from the big supermarket players. Current projects include premises extensions and improved car park spaces. In May, Aldi announced it would hire an additional 5,000 store staff and over 500 store management personnel in the UK this year.

Did you know… Drinkaware.ie has produced a 'Leaving Cert (and beyond) Survival Guide'? The guide, is aimed at students completing the Leaving Certificate in the next few days, encourages students to 'pace themselves' during their end of exam celebrations. “As this year’s Leaving Cert students get ready to celebrate, drinkaware.ie is reminding them of great ways to make sure they maximise their fun," said drinkaware.ie chief executive Fionnuala Sheehan. "By following these hints and tips from their peers and those that have sat the Leaving Cert before, they can ensure memorable parties, for all the right reasons. Whether it’s by pacing themselves or eating before they go out, drinkaware.ie’s tips are guaranteed to improve your fun on nights out and at parties.” Among the practical guidance being offered to students is to eat before you go out, make preparations in case you are travelling home in the dark, and never get into a car if the driver has drunk alcohol.

© 2014 - Checkout Magazine by Charlie Burns

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