Did You Know? October 7, 2014

By Publications Checkout
Did You Know? October 7, 2014

Did you know… This Friday October 11, up to two million eggs are expected to be cracked open across Ireland, as people take part in World Egg Day? First established in 1996, the international event promotes the versatility taste and ‘all round goodness’ of hen eggs. The day is celebrated across all continents, and takes place on the second Friday of October each year. Eggs are one of the most affordable and widely accessible foods, retailing at an average of 24 cent per egg. Bord Bia has advised consumers to look for the Bord Bia Quality Mark when buying eggs, and to store eggs in the fridge.

Did you know… Michael Downing has been appointed chairman designate at Kerry Group, succeeding Denis Buckley? Having been chairman of the group for the past eleven years, and a director since 1986, Buckley is due to retire from the board at the end of this year. Dowling was appointed to the board in 1998 and chaired its audit committee from January 2000 to February 2013. Dr Hugh Brady, who was appointed earlier this year, will succeed Dowling in this role at the end of the year. As well as this, the board has co-opted Dr Karin Dorrepaal as a non-executive director, Dorrepaal having past experience in a number of international business leadership roles, and currently acting as vice chairman of the Paion AG (Germany) supervisory board.

Did you know… Centra stores will be selling tea and coffee for one cent on Budget Day next Tuesday, October 14? The promotion is set to run throughout the day across 460 of Centra’s Irish stores. Centra ran a similar promotion in January, as well as on Budget day last year.

Did you know…Padraig Cribben, chief executive of the Vintners' Federation of Ireland has hit out at the below-cost selling of alcohol in supermarkets? He told the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation that the practice "is portrayed as consumer friendly but is the opposite." Presenting alongside representatives from the Licensed Vintners' Associatio and Restaurants Association of Ireland, Cribben said that supermarkets are increasing the price of everyday products to account for the 'losses' they make selling alcohol below cost. "Alcohol is being sold below cost and is highly marketed in supermarkets," he said. "This is portrayed as consumer friendly but is the opposite. Leaving aside the effect that cheap alcohol has on the consumer, the consumer is paying more for staples because the prices of staple products have been increased to pay for the fact that the supermarkets are losing money on alcohol."

Did you know… Wicklow Wolf Brewery has opened a new brewery in Bray, with plans to create 16 new jobs over the next few years, after taking part in the Food Works training programme? The programme is designed for food and drink start-ups, and is jointly run by Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland and Teagasc. The co-founders of Wicklow Wolf Irish Craft Beers, Simon Lynch and Quincey Fennelly, took part in the Food Works programme earlier this year. Commenting on their start-up in 2013, Fennelly said, “Once we made the decision to produce beer on a commercial level, we decided to look for help from wherever we could get it. The Food Works programme was recommended to us and we were delighted to be accepted to take part. It was very challenging and brought us on many occasions outside our comfort zone, but it really helped us to become more disciplined about planning our business for the future for both the domestic and the export market.”


Did you know… Mondel?z International has increased its focus on Ireland in terms of its sustainable raw material sourcing and manufacturing processes? Upon becoming a verified member of Bord Bia’s Origin Green program, the company set a goal for its Coolock site in Co. Dublin, to reduce water consumption in 2013 by 15% on the baseline figure. That reduction, alongside other improvements, has been achieved, and the site is committed to diverting all waste from landfill by the end of the year. Corporate affairs manager at Mondelez Ireland, Deirdre Harte, commented, “Mondelez International’s wellbeing/sustainability strategy identifies four key areas of impact and importance to the company: the safety of its people and products; the need to secure sustainable agricultural supplies and reduce environmental footprint; partnership in sustainable community relationships; and empowerment of consumers to make balanced snacking choices. These themes are aligned with Origin Green ambitions and we are delighted to be part of a programme that promotes sustainable behavior as a cornerstone of Irish business.” Mondel?z International is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and one of over 50 global members of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative platform.

Did you know… Minister for Children James Reilly said that it is 'time to act' on the below-cost selling of alcohol? Recent data from the National Off Licence Association claimed that the taxpayer is subsidising the drinks industry and retailers by €21 million pre year through loss of excise duty and VAT. Minister Reilly acknowledged the issue when Fine Gael TD and backbencher Michael Creed raised the issue in the Dáil last week. Deputy Creed called the excise duty “an absurd taxpayer subsidy to the drinks industry,” and said it is benefitting the larger supermarkets and not the independent off-licence stores. he said that the government could amend this with ‘the stroke of a pen’ and that the government’s current policy on below-cost sales of alcohol was ‘shambolic”. Meanwhile a spokesperson for Minister for Enterprise Richard Bruton said that is the retailer's choice what to charge consumers.

Did you know… The Rooster is Ireland’s favourite potato, according to research conducted by Keogh’s Farm to celebrate National Potato Day last Friday? Leinster were the highest consumers (54.25%) of Rooster potatoes, followed by Munster (28.14%) and Connacht (17.61%). However Munster consumers were shown to be fonder (51.30%) of the Kerr Pink variety of potatoes. Additionally Golden Wonder potatoes were popular in Munster (50.49%) and Leinster (37.36%) while Connacht respondents were happy to eat all varieties. Tom Keogh, general manager, Keogh’s Farm said, “When we dreamt up the idea of National Potato Day in 2011, we had no idea it would capture the imagination of so many people the way it has. Ireland has always had a turbulent love affair with the potato.”

Did you know… Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland and Teagasc are looking for people with an idea for a food business to get involved in Food Works 2015? The business training and development programme has attracted over 150 applicants in the past two years, with 43 start ups from the dairy, snacks, meat, seafood and beverages industry. Companies that have been trading for less that four years are encouraged to apply now via www.foodworksireland.ie. The Food Works scheme aims to assist young companies to realise their full potential to achieve significant scale and become major international businesses in markets across the globe while creating new jobs at home. Successful companies will be introduced to suitable investors to help them to fund a scalable business during the programme. Rachel Nolan, co-founder of Nobó and a participant in Food Works 2013 said, “The Food Works programme has been invaluable in helping our business to reach its full potential. After first launching into stores eight months ago, our first product ‘Frozen Goodness’ is now available in over 100 stores around the country."

© 2014 - Checkout Magazine by Genna Patterson and Emily Horne.

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