Did You Know … Tayto has launched the winning #Spudbuds pack from its Personalised Pack Campaign? The new pack will feature the image of friends Siobhan McManus, Ellen Codd and Anna Sutcliffe, who won the Tayto competition with a ‘crisptastic’ poem.
Did You Know … Cadbury has become involved in a dispute with the Church of England concerning upcoming Easter egg hunts? Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu has disapproved of the removal of references to ‘Easter’ for the events, which are to be held at 300 national Trust sites. A Cadbury spokeswoman denied the charges.
Did You Know … A goodwill gesture by Cheerios has backfired in the US? The cereal brand invited customers to plant wildflower seeds under the hashtag #BringBackTheBees, but scientists have warned that some of the plants are invasive species that could spread disease.
Did You Know … Keelings has celebrated its harvest of the first strawberries of 2017? The fresh fruit producer tends the crop all year round, enabling the strawberries to flourish early in the season. Keelings also has the capacity to grow over 100 million Irish strawberries in its state-of-the-art glasshouse on Keelings farm.
Did You Know … A news vendor in Dún Laoghaire, Dublin, has won a court case allowing him to continuing his trade at the entrance to the town’s main shopping centre? George Davis has been selling newspapers in the site for 40 years, but the shopping centre recently attempted to bar him after concerns of a potential fire risk.