Did You Know ... December 14, 2016

By Donna Ahern
Did You Know ... December 14, 2016

Did You Know ... Prosecco sales across Europe grew by 24% in value to €789m in 2016? According to figures gathered by IRI, the growth seems to be at Champagne’s expense, which had greater sales worth €1.4bn, but grew only 0.9% in value this year.

Did You Know ... A Kerry-based seafood firm may have to rebrand before entering the US market? Kush Shellfish has been warned by branding agency Begley Hutton that “kush” is slang for cannibas in America. The company is considering the name ‘Saint Patrick’ for the US market instead.

Did You Know ... Butter produced from the milk of Irish grass-fed cows is nutritionally superior to indoor?According to a report by Teagasc and UCC researchers, milk and dairy produce from grass-fed cows contains significantly higher concentrations of fat, protein and casein.

Did You Know ... Gin & Tonic club ILoveGin has been flooded with applications after advertising an internship with the company? The “gintern” would be paid to travel Europe tasting new products and visiting distilleries, and more than 4,000 applications were submitted for the job.

Did You Know … Irish shoppers face discrimination when shopping online? According to a report by the European Consumer Centre Network, some traders use geo-blocking to prevent web access to certain EU consumers. Others charge Irish credit cards more for the same purchases as those of other nationalities.


Did You Know … Cheese maker Christo Swanepoel is opening Northern Ireland’s first cheese shop? Swanepoel is originally from South Africa. His store, in ballywalter, Co Down, is opening its doors just in time for the Christmas season.

Did You Know … Boatyard Double Gin has begun supplying gin to retailers in the Republic of Ireland? The company only recently launched its craft gin and is based in Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh.

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