Two Fifths 'Bought More Food' Ahead Of St Patrick's Day

By Publications Checkout
Two Fifths 'Bought More Food' Ahead Of St Patrick's Day

The latest Consumer Insights survey from Empathy Research has found that over 40% (43%) of consumers that celebrated St Patrick’s Day yesterday planned to buy more food in advance of the event.

This figure was higher among those without children (47% versus 40% with children), suggesting that parents with children were more likely to celebrate St Patrick’s Day outside of their homes, while those with no children were more likely to have guests over to celebrate.

The survey of 997 consumers in total, found that almost half of Irish consumers (47%) planned to celebrate St Patrick’s Day, a figure that is predominantly driven by those with children in their household (63%). Almost 60% (59%) of 18-24 year olds said they were planning to celebrate the national holiday.

In terms of what food they were intending to buy, almost half (47%) cited crisps and snacks, or chocolate and sweets (also 47%). Finger foods (40%) also proved a popular option for those looking to celebrate the occasion.

It was also found that over half (52%) of Irish adults celebrating St Patrick’s Day were likely to buy more alcoholic beverages than normal. This was significantly higher amongst male consumers (63% vs. 42%), and those with no children (63% vs. 40% with children).


By age, those aged under 35 were significantly more likely to increase the amount of alcohol they buy for St Patrick’s Day, with 83% of 18-24 year olds and 62% of 25-34 year olds stating this intention. However, 80% of Irish adults in the survey agree or strongly agree that people consume excessive amounts of alcohol on St Patrick’s Day, more than any other day in the year.

© 2015 - Checkout Magazine by Hannah Popham.

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