Physical Shopping Still Favoured Over Online

By Donna Ahern
Physical Shopping Still Favoured Over Online

Despite an upsurge in online shopping consumers still have a preference for in-store shopping according to a recent report published by Barclays Bank Ireland.

In the next 12 months, majority of consumers are more likely to shop in the physical store of a national retailer than from the same retailer online with 69% of those surveyed agreeing to this versus 44%.

The report also highlights that despite the popularity of online shopping, there appears to be a demand for a vibrant and diverse physical store presence.

The report shows that investing more on transformative technologies in-store would give retailers a further boost as shoppers expressed a growing interest in experiential technology to enhance their shopping experiences. Over 70% and are more likely to visit a retailers which utilise virtual reality and the same applies to touchscreen technology.

Commenting on the findings, Helen Kelly, Head of Client Coverage, Barclays Bank Ireland said: “Ireland’s retail sector is in the midst of great transformative changes, in-store, in the form of technology and enhanced store standards, and online, through greater access, wider offerings and new value added services. Our research reveals that online shopping is strikingly strong and public expectations of retailers in relation to digital offerings are growing considerably, but we also found that physical stores remain extremely popular and will continue to play a very significant part of the shopping experience for Irish consumers.”


When it comes online shopping majority of Irish shoppers 63% of consumers admitted that they have used an internet-only retailer within the last 12 months.

Also, it appears that social media interaction is also a key requirement for consumers as shoppers are now twice as likely to contact retailers via social media or an online feedback form. This is compared with three years ago when 64% of shoppers expect retailers to respond to social media or email complaints within an hour.

© 2016 - Checkout Magazine by Donna Ahern

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