A Third Of Consumers Buy Newspapers In Convenience Stores

By Publications Checkout
A Third Of Consumers Buy Newspapers In Convenience Stores

According to the latest Consumer Insights report from Empathy Research, convenience stores are the most popular place in which Irish adults buy newspapers, with over a third (36%) indicating they typically buy their newspapers there.

Supermarkets followed closely behind, with 34% of consumers opting to go there for their newspapers. Breaking this down into age categories, almost half (48%) of 55+ year olds typically buy newspapers from supermarkets. This is significantly higher than all other age groups; 18-24 (25%), 25-34(24%), 35-44 (29%) and 45-54 (34%).

Almost 2 out of 5 (36%) Irish adults indicated they do not buy newspapers. This is predominantly driven by under 35s with more than half of 18-24 year olds (53%) and 25-34 year olds (53%) indicating they do not buy newspapers compared to 37% of 35-44 year olds, 34% of 45-54 year olds and 19% of 55+ year olds.

Elsewhere, while three fifths of Irish adults say there has been no change to their buying habits over the past 12 months, over a third (36%) of Irish adults indicated they are buying less newspapers compared to last year. This decrease is widespread across both genders (36% females vs. 36% males) and all age groups; 18-24 (22%), 25-34 (34%), 35-44 (40%), 45-54 (36%) and 55+ (38%).

Almost a tenth (8%) of Irish adults say that they ‘always’ take copies of free newspapers from hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. while 13% indicated they ‘often’ do so. Looking at this by gender, males are significantly more likely to take copies of free newspapers with a quarter (25%) of males indicating they typically do so, compared to 19% of females.


Click here for more information from Empathy Research.

© 2016 - Checkout Magazine by Niall Swan

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