Topaz Quality Fuels Index 2016 Reveals Ireland’s Fuel Tank Preferences

By Donna Ahern
Topaz Quality Fuels Index 2016 Reveals Ireland’s Fuel Tank Preferences

Topaz announced yesterday (26 September 2016) the results of its 2016 Quality Fuels Index, exposing what Irish motorists really think when it comes to fuelling up. In its 2nd year, the findings have revealed some interesting facts about Irish motorists.

Among the results are that a huge 96% of drivers surveyed say they want to reduce their impact on the environment by driving more efficiently. A significant 83% of respondents also confessed that they fuel up to the nearest round number, and when asked why 45% admitted that they never thought of the reasoning behind it, while 24% explained it as habit.

Focusing on consumer behavior regarding tank fill patterns, under half (46%) admit that €10 is the smallest amount of fuel they have ever put into their car, while 29% say that they’ve put €5 worth of fuel into their tank on occasion.

Over 70% of motorists will only fuel up with a recognised retailer, with a quarter of respondents being influenced by the in-store product range available in the fourecourt.

In the unbranded survey, Topaz came out as the most favoured fuel supplier, with 37% saying that the retailer would be their preferred choice for fuel and convenience edging out their closest competitors. When asked why, 70% said that accessibility to water and tyre pressure on the forecourt is important. 83% of respondents said they prefer to combine their fuel stop with their grocery shop.


57% of respondents would call upon a parent or guardian for assistance if they got into a spot of fuelling bother, while 17% would pick up the phone right away to AA breakdown assistance. 37% of respondents feel vulnerable if they’re running low on fuel while on a motorway, while just under a quarter (24%) feel uncomfortable when they’re running on near empty driving a by-road.

When asked what the key step respondents take to conserve their fuel would be, almost two-thirds (64%) say they keep their RPM (revolutions per minute) low. 40% check their tyres monthly, and 24% even check them weekly.

The survey was carried out in part to help promote Topaz’s Quality Fuels campaign, which is quality approved by AA Ireland.

Gordon Lawlor, Fuels Director of Topaz Energy said: ‘Most of us are prone to being creatures of habit when it comes to filling up the fuel tank.  With the launch of our Topaz Quality Fuels campaign for 2016, we want to educate motorists to understand that not all fuels are the same. We hope that this survey would continue to encourage drivers nationwide to use Topaz Quality Fuels. Our fuels can help to clean your engine and improve your vehicles fuel efficiency by up to 3% thanks to our powerful fuel additive which is unique to the Irish marketplace.”

Director of Consumer Affairs of AA Ireland, Conor Faughnan commented: “When it comes to reducing the environmental impact of driving, as well as ensuring the best running of their car, many motorists overlook the importance of fuel quality. By using a higher quality petrol or diesel, drivers will save money in the short and long-term by avoiding the damage which a lower quality fuel can cause to the vital parts of their car.”

© 2016 - Checkout Magazine by Donncha Mac Cóil

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