Avoca Teams Up With Dublin Airport To Welcome Home Passengers This Christmas

By Donna Ahern
Avoca Teams Up With Dublin Airport To Welcome Home Passengers This Christmas

Avoca has partnered with Dublin Airport and United Airlines to welcome passengers coming home and to those visiting Ireland for the first time.

On Friday, 10 December at 7am, a team of Avoca staff welcomed United Airlines flight UA23 from New York home to Ireland and captured a series of heart felt and special moments as people were reunited with loved ones.

Maoliosa Connell, director of marketing, Creative and Buying at Avoca, said, “It was incredibly heart-warming for us to be present in those moments and witness just how important it is to everyone to celebrate being able to spend time together this Christmas."

Christmas Gifts 

Avoca surprised passengers with their festive mince pies as they disembarked their flight and gifted each person a gift from their Mill in Co. Wicklow.


"Since the pandemic, we have seen so many people abroad send hampers home to loved ones in Ireland to provide comfort during difficult times, so it is our pleasure to have this opportunity to give back and welcome those home just in time for Christmas," Connell added. 

2021 Checkout – your source for the latest Irish retail news. Article by Donna Ahern, For more Retail News click here. Click sign up to subscribe to Checkout.

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