Bord Bia Study Reveals Ireland’s Home Baking Trends

By Donna Ahern
Bord Bia Study Reveals Ireland’s Home Baking Trends

A Bord Bia bakery study, published today (18 August, 2016), shows the home-baking market maintaining its popularity in Ireland. The research reveals some interesting trends in the sector, which is valued at €120 million per year.

Four in five Irish bakers are female, and just over half bake at least once a week. 65% of those surveyed bake alone, and 14% bake with their children.

Home baking increases toward the weekend, peaking on Saturday afternoon. Most bakers bake for family (60%) or fun (55%) and only 5% bake for work colleagues.

Baking is perceived as requiring a high skill level: only 1 in 8 bakers consider themselves highly competent. Barriers toward baking more include fear of making a mess (32%), available time (29%), and health concerns (29%).

45% of the bakers surveyed preferred making sweet things, against 21% opting for savoury. Taste was regarded the most important factor for family baking, with presentation key for special occasions. Healthy eating has become increasingly popular however, and the best-selling cookbooks in recent years have had health as their premise.


The most common sources of inspiration for home baking were online (37%), followed by reliable cook books (19%) and family recipes (14%). Online bloggers and social media stars have also become even more popular than television chefs.

Commenting on the research, Paula Donoghue, Consumer Insight Manager, Bord Bia said “In 100 years, we’ve gone from baking being routine, necessary and laborious to something that is seen as exciting, gratifying and enjoyable. It is encouraging to see baking continues to be a key part of Irish households and an important way to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays and Christmas.”

She added, “Despite healthy eating remaining one of people’s main priorities, for Ireland’s bakers, home baking boils down to simple sweet treats (cakes, buns and bread) that focus on taste and moments of indulgence with family and friends.”

The purpose of Bord Bia's baking research was to identify and understand macro trends that impact upon consumer behaviour within the baking category.

© 2016 - Checkout Magazine by Donncha Mac Cóil

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