Did You Know...? 11 January 2021

By Donna Ahern
Did You Know...? 11 January 2021

Did you know...? Caught between COVID-19 and inflation, Italian consumers will struggle to maintain last year’s spending levels in 2022, two surveys conducted by Coop Italia on consumption forecasts for the year have revealed. Despite continued uncertainty, 49% of households do not expect to change their spending levels compared to the pre-pandemic period, while 22% hope to exceed it.

Did you know...? Coop Switzerland has published its second annual Plant-Based Food Report, which coincides with Veganuary. The report revealed that 27% of those surveyed said they enjoyed plant-based alternatives to meat, milk, and cheese several times a month.The study is based on a survey of around 2,200 participants from German-speaking Switzerland, Ticino, and French-speaking Switzerland.

Did you know...? Finland's K Group believes the beverage culture in Finland has changed as more and more people are choosing non-alcoholic counterparts for beers, ciders, and cocktails. Sales of non-alcoholic beers have increased by 118%, and sales of non-alcoholic ciders, long drinks, and cocktails have increased by 94% compared to two years ago, the retailer noted citing sales data.

2022 Checkout – your source for the latest Irish retail news. Article by Donna Ahern, For more Retail News click here. Click sign up to subscribe to Checkout.


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