Did You Know...? 15 June 2021

By Maev Martin
Did You Know...? 15 June 2021

Did you know...? Shopper numbers across Britain fell 6.7% in the week to 12 June compared with the previous week, which had been boosted by a school holiday and improved weather, researcher Springboard said on Monday. It said shopper numbers, or footfall, fell 9.0% on high streets week-on-week, by 7.5% in shopping centres and by 0.9% in retail parks. "UK retail destinations suffered post Bank Holiday blues last week, with footfall dropping back by around half of the uplift recorded in the week before, when the school half-term holiday coincided with the Spring bank holiday and amazing weather," said Diane Wehrle, Springboard's insights director.

Did you know...? Mondi and Hazeleger Kaas have collaborated to package the cheesemaker's Dutch Maaslander brand in EnvelopeForm, a new, fully-recyclable polypropylene (PP) mono-material packaging solution, reports esmmagazine.com. The lightweight solution replaces a previously-used multi-layer plastic compound, and is more environmentally friendly, Mondi said. Most sliced cheese in the Netherlands is still packaged in mixed material film, which is difficult to recycle.

Did you know...? Domino's Pizza Group's chief financial officer, Neil Smith, will leave the company to join pub operator Fuller, Smith & Turner as its finance director, the two companies have said in separate statements. Smith is expected to join by December 1, 2021, the company said, reports Reuters. "While I was not looking to leave Domino's, I have been given an exceptional opportunity to return to an industry where I have spent much of my career," Smith said in a statement.

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