Retail Excellence Calls For Support For Affected Retailers Following Dublin Riots

By Donna Ahern
Retail Excellence Calls For Support For Affected Retailers Following Dublin Riots

Retail Excellence has expressed its ‘profound shock and dismay’ at the riots that engulfed Dublin’s city centre last Thursday, 23 November.

In a statement, the largest representative body for the retail sector in Ireland noted that, as it keeps the victims of the recent attacks in its thoughts, Retail Excellence stands in solidarity with the retailers and employees affected by this unfortunate incident.

Retail Excellence represents retailers of all sizes across the country, collectively employing approximately 280,000 people.

Many of these dedicated individuals were working late in Dublin’s city centre and found themselves in fear for their lives as they attempted to leave work amidst the chaos that unfolded, the group highlighted.

Jean McCabe, chief executive of Retail Excellence, described the events as “a hammer blow to all traders in Dublin city centre”.


McCabe further emphasised that retailers in Dublin City have been grappling with an unprecedented rise in antisocial behaviour in recent times, and the recent events were, sadly, a reflection of continued unaccountable behaviour.


Retail Excellence highlighted the challenges facing retailers in Dublin’s city centre – poor footfall and a rapidly rising cost base, which have been exacerbated – and their cumulative impact will have a lasting effect on businesses, with some facing the grim possibility of not recovering.

The group calls for an allocation of additional Garda resources to address the ongoing problem of antisocial behaviour and abuse that has plagued Dublin’s streets since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.

As Dublin City gradually returns to normalcy, Retail Excellence urges everyone to support city centre retailers in any way possible, whether it’s through online or in-store shopping in the lead-up to Christmas.

Read More: The Police, Courts And Penal System Must Get Tough On Retail Crime

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