Top 5 Tips For A More Sustainable Christmas In Ireland

By Donna Ahern
Top 5 Tips For A More Sustainable Christmas In Ireland

Christmas is fast approaching, and while it is a time of joy, celebration and giving, it can also be a time of lots of unnecessary plastic and waste.

This year, Aldi has shared a series of top tips to help shoppers make more sustainable choices without sacrificing the festive cheer.

From supporting Irish suppliers to reducing plastic waste, there are a number of ways to enjoy Christmas while helping to limit your impact on the environment.

Aldi’s Top Five Tips For A More Sustainable Christmas 

1/ Shop Seasonal And Buy Irish


To be kinder to the environment this Christmas, shop with the winter season in mind.

Fruit and vegetables can often be cheaper – and tastier - if they’re in season in Ireland.

2/ Be Smart About Crackers

Traditional Christmas crackers often contain plastic gifts or are covered in glitter, meaning that they are difficult to recycle.

Look for options where you can still enjoy the thrill of cracking them open while reducing your impact on the environment.


3/ More Recyclable Gift Wrapping

Traditional wrapping paper is often not recyclable, due to the shiny coatings and mixed materials.

In fact, going glitter-free will further help reduce potential harm to the environment.

4/ Consider Your Christmas Cards

While some may prefer to send an e-card to share festive wishes with friends and family, many of us like to keep up the tradition of sending Christmas cards in the post.


Try to choose cards that have recyclable packaging and check that the cards themselves are recyclable, too.

5/ Reduce Food Waste

Christmas is the perfect excuse for some indulgence, however, it can also result in a lot of food waste.

Create a meal plan and prepare a shopping list, to ensure that you only buy what you need.

Also get creative with any leftovers beyond the usual turkey sandwiches, with soups, curries or casseroles.

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