Nestlé Launches Video Platform To Raise Issues Within Palm Oil Supply Chain

By Donna Ahern
Nestlé Launches Video Platform To Raise Issues Within Palm Oil Supply Chain

Nestlé has today launched an interactive video platform Beneath the Surface, which 'allows viewers to directly experience some of the challenges that the company faces in sourcing palm oil.'

Nestlé said that the video was also created to raise awareness among consumers about the complex sustainability issues within the palm oil supply chain.

The complexity of the palm oil supply chain is displayed through a series of decisions that viewers are asked to make in order to ensure a transparent and sustainable palm oil supply chain on the global scale, the company explained. 

The Beneath the Surface platform enables users to take a peek at some of the dilemmas Nestlé and many other organisations face with palm oil every day," Dr Emma Keller, head of Sustainability, Nestlé UK & Ireland, said.

"We hope that by having more open conversations about the complexity of sourcing ingredients such as palm oil, people can understand the issues and make better informed decisions when choosing products." she added. 


Research Commissioned By Nestlé

According to research commissioned by Nestlé, around one in five millennial shoppers (17%) tend to avoid purchasing products containing palm oil or will actively check to see (20%). Almost half (45%) said they tend to avoid products containing unsustainable palm oil.

More than eight out of ten people (85%) believe consuming sustainable products is important, however one in ten (12%) say they don’t know exactly what to look for to establish if a product is sustainable.

Of those who do actively check for palm oil and sustainable sourcing, eight out of ten (85%) look on the pack and a quarter (24%) look on company websites.

One in ten of those surveyed claim that research into environmental creditability takes too long.


Nestlé said it hopes that the interactive platform, Beneath the Surface, will give viewers a better insight into the complexity of the palm oil supply chain and see how the  choices they make under the different scenarios can lead to a range of outcomes and consequences.

We can all play a role towards a sustainable palm oil future where it contributes to protecting and restoring nature to the benefit of people, wildlife and the planet. We are working on it and expect our consumers to continue to hold us to account,” Dr Keller concluded.

 © 2021 Checkout – your source for the latest Irish retail news. Article by Donna Ahern. For more Supply Chain stories click hereClick sign up to subscribe to Checkout.

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