New Research Reveals Change In Shopping Habits Due To COVID-19

By Donna Ahern
New Research Reveals Change In Shopping Habits Due To COVID-19

COVID-19 has changed the way we shop and 73% of Irish consumers have said that they have changed their behaviour as a direct result of the pandemic.

New research findings by (Field Management Ireland) FMI show that 12% of shoppers only purchased from one retailer during the lockdown.

'Throughout the pandemic the focus on communities and on supporting local has been a key message to encourage unity and to ensure the survival of small businesses. This is a point that particularly resonated with 86% of respondents aged 35 and above,' FMI said.

'Generation Y and X typically care more about sustainability, and the pandemic highlighted their wiliness to extend this to supporting local economies,' it added.

Online Shopping


Having an online presence became critically important for any retailer during the pandemic, the survey showed.

FMI’s research found that leading the online grocery shop is the 35-44 year old demographic, with 10% having moved their grocery shop online for the first time, during the Coronavirus pandemic.

80% of the customers who shopped online, shopped less than twice a week. Interestingly, 84% of respondents who stated that they shopped more frequently reported an increase in shopping spend.

Despite the increase in online shopping during the period, 71% of Irish consumers that were surveyed said that they prefer to shop in store.

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