Save Time And Boost Revenue

By Donna Ahern
Save Time And Boost Revenue

John Carroll’s Tipperary-based Centra store and Circle K filling station offers local customers a wide range of products and services. As more cash flowed through the busy store, John turned to technology from cash handling solutions provider GLORY to transform operational efficiency and boost profit margins.

Q: What challenges did you face when manually processing cash in your store?

A: Huge amounts of time were spent counting cash by hand. My staff and I spent long hours preparing floats for the start of the day and processing reconciliation at the end of the working day.

We were continually trying to figure out why our counts were under or over, and we also needed to count and sort notes for the ATM.

The store was experiencing losses due to human error relating to counting change and floats, fuel filling overs that weren’t paid for in full by some customers, counterfeit notes, scams, and shrinkage.

It all added up and was a noticeable loss to us week on week.

Q: What solution did you select to automate cash handling at the point-of- sale counter?

A: We have two GLORY CI-10 cash recyclers located in the point-of-sale counter.

Staff receive notes and coins from the customer and place them in the recycler, which counts, validates and processes the cash and presents the correct change.

Manual cash handling is eliminated and replaced with accurate, fast and reliable transactions.

The CI-10 recyclers fit neatly under the counter and were installed with minimum fuss and disruption to the store and our customers.

Q: What about cash processing in the back office?

A: I like the idea of GLORY’s closed loop cash solution, so I placed a CI-100 cash recycling system in the back office.

The cassettes holding the notes in the CI-10 recyclers are cleverly designed to be removed and then placed in the CI-100 machine for processing without any staff member having to touch the notes.

The notes move securely from the CI-10 point of sale in the store to the CI-100 in the back office, and vice versa, providing 100% confidence in cash inventory and management.

Q: To what extent has the automated solution saved time and increased productivity?

A: Three hours a day sorting cash has been reduced to minutes.

The store has never been busier, and instead of spending hours on end in the back office counting and reconciling cash, I can now be present on the shop floor to support my staff and engage with customers.

The GLORY cash handling solution has taken the difficulty out of handing cash and has hugely improved the day-to-day running of my store. I can even take more time off work and enjoy my weekends more.

Q: How have your staff reacted to the automation of cash processing?

A: The staff love it as their job is less stressful.

They don’t have to count cash or use the pod and vacuum system anymore. They can now spend more time with customer, have more opportunities to upsell and to keep an eye on the forecourt.

Q: Have you experienced cost savings since installing the GLORY technology?

A: Since installing the closed loop cash handling system from GLORY, we are saving approximately €2,000 a year because customers are always given the correct change and counterfeits are never accepted.

The system has more than paid for itself in the first 20 months of ownership.

To find out how easy it is to set up GLORY’s cash automation solutions in your store(s), call: (01) 5713990, email: [email protected], or visit

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