Changes Introduced To Advertising Regulations For E-Cigarettes

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Changes Introduced To Advertising Regulations For E-Cigarettes

The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI) has introduced a new series of guidelines governing the advertising of e-cigarettes, as well as changes to advertising of food products, particularly to children.

The new ASAI Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications in Ireland comes into effect from today, 1 March 2016.

On the advertising of e-cigarettes, the new Code rules state that “marketing communications for e-cigarettes should be socially responsible and should contain nothing which promotes the use of a tobacco product, or shows the use of a tobacco product in a positive light.”

In terms of food advertising, the ASAI Code has been brought into line with mandatory EU Regulations concerning nutritional and health claims.

In terms of advertising to children, the code states that "marketing communications should not seem to encourage children to eat or drink a product only to take advantage of a promotional offer," except in the case of fruit or vegetable products. "The product should be offered on its merits, with the offer as an added incentive.”


“We live in a world of ever-changing communication innovations, channels, platforms and demands," said Orla Twomey, CEO of the ASAI, who said that the Code "is compatible with current Irish and EU legislation, matches the very best international standards, and demonstrates how the combination of Self-Regulation and Statutory Legislation can be used in the best interests of all concerned.

"To ensure that the Code will remain, at all times, credible and relevant, there will be regular inspection and appraisal of the Code, with an on-going process of additions, amendments and strengthening, as required.”

© 2016 - Checkout Magazine by Stephen Wynne-Jones

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