Clean Coasts Big Beach Clean 2019 Supported By Soup Makers Cully & Sully

By Donna Ahern
Clean Coasts Big Beach Clean 2019 Supported By Soup Makers Cully & Sully

Clean Coasts supported by Cully and Sully recently launched the #BIGBEACHCLEAN2019

The event took place at Ardnahinch Beach in East Cork.

Clean Coasts and Cully & Sully in partnership with Ballynamona Clean Coasts group, were delighted to take part in a five minute beach clean and have some fun in the process.

As big fans of the water, Cully and Sully are very excited to be supporting the Big Beach Clean 2019 which will run from Friday the 20th to Sunday the 22nd September on hundreds of beaches around Ireland, culminating in a beach clean and SOUPer lunch hosted by Cully & Sully on Garryvoe Beach, Co.Cork on Friday 20 September.

Clean Coasts manager, Sinead McCoy commented: "Over 187 beach cleans took place last year as part of our Big Beach Clean, engaging 3,652 volunteers who removed over 32 tonnes of marine litter from our coastline, thanks to our incredible Clean Coasts volunteers who made an amazing effort over this week.


"We are excited to build on this success and get even more volunteers out cleaning this weekend. This year you can find your local beach clean or sign up on".

Record Breaking

It has now been confirmed that so far a record breaking 210 beach cleans have registered for the BIGBEACHCLEAN weekend.

“We are really conscious about the impact of single use plastic on our environment and have been actively taking steps to reduce the plastic we have in our products and ensure that our range is packed in recyclable materials," added Colum O’ Sullivan of Cully and Sully.

We really wanted to get involved to help spread the word about this terrific Clean Coasts event and encourage everyone to get out and take part".


Clean Coasts would really appreciate your SOUPport. To register sign up here.

Clean Coasts

Clean Coasts engages communities in the protection of Ireland’s beaches, seas and marine life.

The programme is operated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce and is currently funded by the Department of the Housing, Planning and Local Government, and F·ilte Ireland.


The Clean Coasts volunteering effort engages communities in the protection and conservation of their local coastal environment.

There are currently over 800 registered Clean Coasts groups in Ireland and last year over 22,000 volunteers engaged with the programme.

There are a variety of group types such as community groups, residents’ associations, tidy towns groups, sports clubs, schools, businesses, universities etc.

Clean Coasts organises hundreds of beach clean-ups annually mobilising thousands of volunteers, removing considerable quantities of marine litter from Ireland’s beaches and waterways.

Cully and Sully


Brought up in East Cork, surrounded by good food, Cullen Allen and Colum O’Sullivan noticed a gap in the market for quality fresh convenience food.

This sparked the beginning of their food business Cully and Sully. In 2004, the duo launched a range of pies which quickly became a household favourite.

In 2006, they launched their soup range which is now the number 1 Irish soup across fresh, tinned and packet soup.

In recent years Cully and Sully have continued to expand their range most recently launching a range of Broths; Chicken & Beef broths made with natural Irish stock and two vegan recipes Miso & Vegetable broth.

For all product details and more about Cully & Sully click here. 

Photography by Cathal Noonan

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