Almost All Irish Adults Make Efforts To Eat Healthy

By Donna Ahern
Almost All Irish Adults Make Efforts To Eat Healthy

Over 9 in 10 (92%) adults are currently making efforts to eat
healthier or exercise more, with females (94%) marginally more likely
to be doing so than males (90%). Recent research on behalf of Retail
Intelligence by Empathy Research, amongst a nationally representative
sample of 1,013 adults aged 18+, sought to understand which behaviours
are being undertaken and what that means for retailers.

Almost half of adults (46%) claim that they are exercising more than
they used to. This behaviour is highest amongst those aged 18-24 (61%)
but is largely consistent across all other age groups and genders. In
line with this increase in exercise, almost the same proportion (45%)
of adults claim they have reduced the amount of chocolate and sweets
they are consuming. This behaviour is significantly more likely to be
evident amongst females, with just over half (52%) of females reducing
their chocolate and sweet intake.

There are a sizeable cohort of adults who are also increasing the
amount of fruit (44%) and vegetables (41%) they are consuming. While
the proportion that increased consumption of fruit is equal across
males and females, there are more females (45%) claiming to have
increased the amount of vegetables they are consuming, than males
(37%). There are some 4 in 10 (40%) adults who claim they are paying
close attention to the food they eat now, with a quarter (25%) going
as far as preparing meals in advance. Females (34%) and those aged
under 34 (32%) are significantly more likely to be “meal-prepping”.

Combined with a closer focus on the food being consumed, there are
also 4 in 10 (36%) adults who claim they have reduced the amount of
alcohol they are currently consuming. This is primarily driven by
those aged under 35-44 (44%).

For further information and more in-depth analysis in relation to
healthy eating practices, please contact Robbie Clarke at Empathy

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