Discounters Account For More Than Half of Grocery Ad Spend In Third Quarter

By Steve Wynne-Jones
Discounters Account For More Than Half of Grocery Ad Spend In Third Quarter

The latest Supermarket Ad Tracker* report from Checkout, produced in association with Nielsen, has found that Aldi and Lidl continue to outspend their more mainstream grocery rivals when it comes to advertising, with both retailers collectively accounting for more than half of grocery ad spend in the third quarter.

The data, which covers the period from July to September 2015, identifies Lidl as the top spender on advertising in the sector, with the retailer accounting for 26.5% of total supermarket ad spend in the quarter. Lidl increased its spend by 23.5% compared to the same period last year.

Aldi accounted for 24.6% of spend in the quarter, having increased its spend by 11.6% compared to the same period last year.

Elsewhere, Tesco ranks third, accounting for 16.5% of total spend (37.6% decrease in spend), followed by SuperValu (14.3%; 23.2% decrease in spend), Dunnes (10.8%; 10.5% increase in spend) and Marks & Spencer (4.9%; 13.7% decrease in spend).

The Nielsen data also found that the total supermarket ad spend for the quarter was €13.5 million, which is down 5.2% on the same period last year.


In terms of the mediums used most by retailers, Press still accounts for the lion's share of spend (57%), followed by TV (30%), Radio (7%) and Outdoor (5%).

Key marketing campaigns that were visible during the period included SuperValu's 'Good Food Karma', various retailers' campaigns around the Great Taste Awards, and Lidl's 'Local Local' campaign.

[*Source for ad-spend data: Nielsen Media Ad Dynamix data for July to September 2015 (for Tesco, Dunnes, SuperValu, Superquinn, Lidl, Aldi, M&S and Eurospar). Please note that the Supermarket Ad Tracker does not include online marketing spend. Nielsen Media FMCG ad spend includes food, drink, health, beauty, household and tobacco.]

© 2015 - Checkout Magazine by Stephen Wynne-Jones

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