End To Milk Quotas Expected To Affect Price, Study Finds

By Publications Checkout
End To Milk Quotas Expected To Affect Price, Study Finds

With EU milk quotas set to come to an end this month, the latest Consumer Insights study from Empathy Research has revealed that over half of Irish adults expect the price of milk to change as a result.

Over seven-tenths of Irish adults (71%) were aware that the EU milk quotas were coming to an end this month(77% males vs 65% females).

Breaking this down in terms of age, people aged over 35 are more likely to be aware of these quotas ending compared to the younger age groups; 35-44 year olds (72%), 45-54 year olds (78%), 55+ year olds (83%) Vs 18-24 year olds (54%) and 25-34 year olds (57%).

The survey revealed that Irish adults expect the price of milk to change. 51% of Irish adults cited they expect ‘a lot’ (12%) or ‘little’ (39%) change.

In addition, a fifth of Irish adults (19%) expect to see ‘a lot’ (6%) or ‘little’ (13%) change to the quality of milk because of the end to the quotas.


This was predominately driven by those aged under 35 years; 18-24 year olds (24%) and 25-34 year olds (28%) vs. 35-44 year olds (18%). 45-54 year olds (14%), 55+ year olds (13%).

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