Over Half Of Adults Purchase Shampoo And Conditioner Once A Month

By Donna Ahern
Over Half Of Adults Purchase Shampoo And Conditioner Once A Month

The purchase of shampoo and conditioner is somewhat polarising with just over half (57%) of adults claiming to purchase once a month or more often and almost 4 in 10 (38%) only buying once every 2-6 months.

This research, conducted on behalf of Retail Intelligence by Empathy Research, amongst a nationally representative sample of 1,004 adults aged 18+, sought to understand purchase behaviour in this category and which aspects are most important to consumers when purchasing.

Monthly or more frequent purchase of shampoo and conditioner is highest amongst females (62%) and those aged 45-64, where two thirds (66%) claim to purchase with this frequency. Purchase is least frequent amongst males (52%), but they still have relatively high monthly or more frequent purchase levels.

Supermarkets are the most likely purchase point for those buying shampoo and conditioner once a month or more often, with just over 8 in 10 (80%) purchasing through this channel, with Tesco (40%) being the most likely purchase destination. Boots is a key purchase location in this category, with the second highest purchase incidence recorded there, as almost 3 in 10 (27%) monthly plus buyers purchase in Boots. Females (33%) and those aged 18-24 (43%) are more likely to purchase from Boots.

There has been little change evident in terms of purchase behaviour amongst those who buy shampoo and conditioner from supermarkets, with just 5% of those who have purchased from a supermarket claiming to be purchasing more shampoo & conditioner in these outlets than they were this time last year. Of those who have increased their purchase in supermarkets year-on-year, convenience is key with almost half (45%) of those who have increased purchase in supermarkets citing this reason. The good offers available (42%) in supermarkets also play a significant role.


In terms of overall importance when purchasing shampoo & conditioner there are two aspects which are deemed of primary importance to buyers. The quality of the product is deemed important for almost 7 in 10 (69%), with a similar proportion (65%) claiming suitability is important. Brand loyalty in this category is somewhat limited, with just over a third (36%) claiming to be loyal to the brand they buy most often, with almost a quarter (23%) claiming not to be loyal.

For further information and more in-depth analysis on consumer behaviour when it comes to purchasing shampoo and conditioner and other personal care products, please contact Robbie Clarke at Empathy Research.

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