Two Thirds Of Adults Eat Sandwiches For Lunch At Least Once A Week

By Donna Ahern
Two Thirds Of Adults Eat Sandwiches For Lunch At Least Once A Week

Sandwiches are the most popular food eaten at lunchtime, with two thirds (67%) of adults eating at least once a week, with almost half of us having soup (45%) throughout the course of a typical week. Recent research on behalf of Retail Intelligence by Empathy Research, amongst a nationally representative sample of 1,012 adults aged 18+, sought to understand what we as adults are having for lunch and does our lunchtime behaviour change as we move through a typical week?

While sandwiches are the most eaten type of food for lunch, their consumption level does change as we move through the week. Just over 4 in 10 (42%) adults claim to eat sandwiches on a Monday for lunch but 36% of adults claim to eat sandwiches for lunch on a Friday, with a rise in hot dinner consumption for lunch evident across the week. Just over 1 in 5 (21%) adults claim to eat a hot dinner on Monday for lunch, rising to a quarter of adults eating a hot dinner on a Friday (25%).

A third of adults (33%) claim to eat fruit for lunch at least once a week, with high levels of overlap evident with other healthy food being consumed by this group, where salads, eggs, cereals and nuts/seeds are more prevalent.

At some stage during the week, almost 4 in 10 (38%) adults will purchase their lunch in a shop for consumption on that day. These consumers are significantly more likely to be male (44%) and aged 25-34 (51%). Just over a third (36%) of adults will prepare lunch and bring it with them to eat at work, with those aged 35-54 much more likely to engage in this behaviour over the course of a week (46%).

For further information and more in-depth analysis in relation to lunchtime before of adults, what they are eating and where they are purchasing it, please contact Robbie Clarke at Empathy Research. r[email protected]

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