Retail Ireland Welcomes Establishment Of Retail Consultation Forum

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Retail Ireland Welcomes Establishment Of Retail Consultation Forum

Retail Ireland has welcomed the opportunity to participate in this week's inaugural session of the government's new Retail Consultation Forum.

Retail Ireland said that it has 'long campaigned for the establishment of a dedicated engagement forum between government and the sector', and welcomed the establishment of the Forum, saying it 'is an endorsement of our ongoing campaign to place retail firmly at the heart of Government thinking'.

Among the measures discussed were fiscal measures and other initiatives to support the industry under this year’s Budget.

“We used this valuable and long-awaited opportunity to stress the critical need to stimulate spending by reducing the tax burden on consumers and ensuring that there are no extra costs placed on retailers under Budget 2015," said the chairperson of Retail Ireland, Frank Gleeson.

"We look forward to Government paying heed to the significant role played by the Irish retail industry in employment and economic development, right across the country, by making Budget decisions which help to foster, rather than hinder, retail’s recovery."


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