Almost A Quarter Of Irish Plan To Shop Cross-Border

By Donna Ahern
Almost A Quarter Of Irish Plan To Shop Cross-Border

Almost a quarter of Irish shoppers plan to travel across the border to Northern Ireland to avail of the weaker sterling in the near future, according to the latest Recovery Index report by the leading business and credit risk analyst,

45% of those surveyed admitted that they will be heading North to shop for the first time. Respondents between within the 25-34 age group as the most likely to to make the cross-border trip.

Christine Cullen, Managing Director of, said: “Irish consumers are cognisant of the impact of Brexit and a weakened sterling, and plan to avail of the knock-on benefits this Christmas.

When Irish consumers were asked if events like Brexit or the election of Donald Trump to the US presidency had affected their attitude to their finances, 8% said they were saving more and 55% said they were saving the same amount.

Cullen added: “Generally, though, shock events like the referendum decision and the election of Donald Trump seem not to have had a huge effect on Irish attitudes to spending and saving. Neither has yet to really ‘happen’, however, so it could be years before we can measure their true impact. Christmas 2017 could be a different matter entirely.”


© 2016 - Checkout Magazine by Donna Ahern



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