Ciara Troy, MD, Oishii Foods, Talks About Keeping On A Path Of Continuous Improvement

By Donna Ahern
Ciara Troy, MD, Oishii Foods, Talks About Keeping On A Path Of Continuous Improvement

This month, Donna Ahern talks to Ciara Troy, managing director of premium sushi brand Oishii Foods Ltd, which recently invested €1 million in a 4,000-square-foot production facility at its site in Bluebell, Dublin 12.

How would you describe your role?

Varied – each day brings new challenges, surprises and inspiration.

There is something to learn from every interaction and every task, and I believe it’s important to keep on a path of continuous improvement – kaizen.

What was your first job, and what did you learn from it?

My first job was bag-packing in Tesco UK for £2.50 an hour.

I learned the importance of customer service and of reading the customer’s needs.

The better job I did, the more likely I was to get a tip!

Some people just needed to get out of the shop as soon as possible, so packing fast was important.

Others were systematic and wanted like-with-like items packed together – all fridge items kept together, all vegetables together, etc.

Given my fascination with retail and my love of food, this job was the perfect start for me. I was genuinely interested in people’s shopping habits!

What do you enjoy most about your current job?

I enjoy the varied nature of the working day and the dynamics of working with different people.

What was your worst job, and what was so bad about it?

I cannot say that I had a worst job. I’ve had challenging times in many roles, but each one has taught me something, and I have viewed them as necessary steps.

I can tell you that one of the most gruelling jobs that I’ve had was working two 13-hour weekend night shifts on a production line in a toy factory.

I did this for about nine months to fund my way through college. It was physically demanding, repetitive, and quite isolating.

If you could bring back one product that is no longer available in Ireland, what would it be?

This is a tough one, as there wasn’t the same level of product choice when I was growing up that there is now. However, I often think fondly of the Cadbury’s Smiley bar.

I somehow managed to make that bar last for the entire bus journey home from school.

What was your favourite grocery brand when you were growing up, and why?

Superquinn was a favourite grocery brand and my preferred shopping experience.

A Saturday was well spent in the Blackrock store, tasting the various food samples and taking in the delicious aromas of bread and cakes baking.

What is the best piece of advice that you have ever received?

A few years ago, I went through a particularly rough patch due to a family illness, and my adviser in Enterprise Ireland gave me a piece of advice that stuck with me ever since: they told me that there are times when you just need to keep the boat afloat.

In other words, prioritise – do what absolutely needs to be done, and then concentrate on matters at home.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to spend time with my friends and family. I like reading, watching movies, and going on nature walks.

How much time do you spend on social media in an average week?

I would say four to five hours, on average, most weeks.

Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn?

LinkedIn or Instagram, mostly.

Read More: Ireland’s Oishii Sushi Invests €1m In New Facility, Creates 10 New Jobs


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