2016 Supermarket Brand Performance - What Shoppers Thought

By Donna Ahern
2016 Supermarket Brand Performance - What Shoppers Thought


Aldi and Dunnes Stores have performed best this year in the eyes of their customers in terms of value for money, with just over a third (34%) of their respective shoppers claiming that their value for money credentials have gotten better this year. Recent research on behalf of Retail Intelligence by Empathy Research, amongst a nationally representative sample of 1,051 adults aged 18+, sought to assess the overall performance of the different supermarkets in the eyes of their shoppers across the year.

Dunnes Stores also perform strongest amongst their own customers in relation to special offers and discounts available across the year, with almost 4 in 10 (38%) Dunnes shoppers claiming they have improved in this area across 2016.

While Dunnes Stores wins out on special offers and value for money, it’s SuperValu shoppers who are generally more positive about their stores performance in 2016, with a good mix of aspects being endorsed as having improved across the year. Almost 4 in 10 (36%) SuperValu shoppers claim they have noticed improvements in customer service, with a similar proportion claiming to have noted improvements in store layout (34%), quality of bread (32%), special offers and discounts (32%) and value for money (30%) across the year.

Lidl also perform well in relation to improvements in their value for money credentials over the year, with almost a third (32%) of their shoppers claiming this has improved, However, their biggest improvements in the eyes of their shoppers, is in the quality of the bread baked in-store, where over 4 in 10 (43%) Lidl shoppers claim this has improved over the year.


Tesco perform well in relation to special offers improvements, with just under a third (32%) of their shoppers claiming this has improved over the year. However, they are most likely to struggle on their value for money performance with almost 1 in 5 (18%) of their shoppers claiming this area has gotten worse over the year.

For further information and more in-depth analysis on consumers’ ratings of each supermarket’s performance across the year, please contact Robbie Clarke at Empathy Research. r[email protected]



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