Re-turn Reports Average Of 3m Containers Returned Daily In June

By Sarah O'Sullivan
Re-turn Reports Average Of 3m Containers Returned Daily In June

Re-turn, the operator of Ireland’s Deposit Return Scheme (DRS), has announced that 90 million containers were returned in the month of June, with the scheme now averaging three million returns per day.

This is the fifth consecutive month that the number of returns has grown, far surpassing May’s figure of 78 million.

As of 2 July, the cumulative number of containers returned through the scheme has surpassed 250 million.

The June average of three million returns per day is also a marked improvement from the first month of the scheme, February, wherein two million containers were returned overall.

The day of 31 May marked the end of the transition period wherein retailers could sell old stock without the Re-turn logo or deposit applied.


Since 1 June, all drinks containers that are eligible for the scheme can only be sold with the Re-turn logo, and the deposit applied.

The highest daily returns to date were recorded on Saturday 22 June, which saw 3.55 million containers returned.

The final week of the month, 24-30 June, saw over 22 million containers deposited to return points across the country.

‘Thanks To The Irish Public’

Speaking about the growth to date, the chief executive of Re-turn, Ciaran Foley, said, “June was another strong month for returns by consumers in Ireland.

“It has been very positive to see the rising figures, thanks to the Irish public, who are now returning three million drinks containers every day, on average.


“Now that the transition period is over, all drinks containers in the scheme must contain a Re-turn logo.

“It is also very encouraging to see the Deposit Return Scheme being credited with lower litter levels across Ireland in the recently published IBAL [Irish Business Against Litter] report.

“Less litter on our streets and countryside has always been a key objective for Re-turn, and it’s great to see progress being made in this area.”

In June, Re-turn also launched Return for Children, an initiative with dedicated return points at events, which consumers can use to donate their deposits to six children’s charities.

The scheme aims to support the organisations – Barnardos Ireland, Barretstown, Childline by ISPCC, the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation, LauraLynn Children’s Hospice and Make-A-Wish Ireland – and reduce litter at events.


Over the summer, Return for Children will continue to operate at events including the National Ploughing Championships and Electric Picnic.

Read More: Re-turn Reports 200m Containers Returned As Part Of DRS

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